I would have liked to blog more since starting school almost two months ago, but I'm still learning how to balance my present loves with my future plans. Trying to finish four years of school in three years is (surprise) pretty demanding. Although I'm no less passionate about my choice than I was when I started, sometimes it's hard not to groan about the amount of information I'm expected to cram into my weary brain -- even though it's stuff that I do enjoy learning. And because I chose full-time school over school and a part-time job, I feel a little guilty whenever I choose to devote an evening to just taking it easy. Yet, I have been able to find some time for activities that aren't entirely related to school.
Right now I'm experimenting with a "diet" that started as a cleanse and evolved into... well... something else. I'm going vegan for the next ten days, avoiding white flour and refined sugar, and I'm not eating anything from a box. I've also sworn off coffee and beer in favor of red wine and tea. So far, it's been a fun experiment. I've been living on vegetables, fruit, rice, and bread baked from scratch. I've discovered that kale is delicious, in spite of the fact that it's just a humble leaf. And I've been trying to eat seasonal produce when it's available, like nuts and squash and apples and beans.
I celebrated Mabon (the Autumn Equinox) with Travis, and made my own incense. Perhaps it's nerdy to be into Pagan holidays, but I've decided that, at this point in my life, it's no use trying to deny the things I'm into that others may find hippy-ish/nerdy/odd, like listening to CD's of Irish drinking songs, arranging my furnitures according to the principles of feng shui, reading Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" series while on the treadmill, absinthe, Alfred Lord Tennyson, miniatures, and astrology. I've been trying to embrace my love for the things that cross the line between "so dorky it's cool" and "just plain dorky." I've also been trying to share my passion with other people (that is, when I actually have the opportunity to talk to people outside of school). Especially Traditional Chinese Medicine. People from all walks of life have at least heard of it and most are curious about how it works. And I'm delighted to share what little I've learned so far. In the near future, I'd like to post a blog about it.