Okayokay, so it's Friday on my short "spring break" from school between trimesters. I've been having some fun working on little projects and hunting for a frame that will be the starting point for my perfect new bike. Today, at a little used bike shop in Uptown known as Sunrise Cyclery (difficult to spell), I found the frame of my dreams: a 1981 Schwinn Caliente! Awesome monicker aside, I found out that the Caliente is a rather desireable semi-vintage Schwinn 10-speed. Though she's a bit heavier than her modern counterparts, I've read that Calientes are comfortable, well-balanced road bikes and are much sought-after for restoration projects. Perfect! I already have aquired a pair of cruiser-style handlebars and have begun the search for other parts.

The stunning Electra Amsterdam is my inspiration. If I can build a decent facsimile for less than $300, I will be delighted. I also found a picture of a fully-restored, cruiser-influenced Caliente that I found on a bike forum -- pretty much exactly what I'm going for.

My Caliente is a bit older and has the very classic S-shaped top tube that more closely resembles my beloved Amsterdam.
So that's one project. My second major undertaking has involved finishing my wide array of half-completed crochet projects. I'll try to post more about that soon!